Prof. Santanu Sarma

Prof. Santanu Sarma


Ph.D. : Gauhati University

Research Interests:

Date of Joining : Dec 27, 1995

Phone: 9864044193

Vidwan Profile


Career Profile/Services:

Project Scientist, Assam Remote Sensing Application Center, Assam Science, Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) (1993 - 1995)

Activities/assignments in the University:

1. Member of the Under Graduate Admission Co-ordination Committee of Cotton University for the academic session 2018-19. (No. CU/Acad/UG Admissions/2018/119/492 dated 21st April, 2018)

2. Coordinator, IQAC, Cotton University. (No.CCA-161/2017/3/8003-10 dated 23rd Nov., 2017)

3. Member of the CBCS Syllabus Committee of Cotton University.

4. Member of the Departmental Research Committee of the Department of Geology (CU/Acad/DRC/2017/067/142-146 dated 27th Oct., 2017)

5. Member of the Post Graduate Admission Co-ordination Committee of Cotton University for the academic session 2017-18.

6. Member of the Committee for ‘the Introduction of College Uniform for the Student of Cotton College’. (CCG-33/2016/9872-75 dated 27th Sept., 2016)

7. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the 1st International Conference on Climate Science, Cotton College on 7 & 8 March, 2016

8. Programme Coordinator of the 12 days UGC sponsored Skill Development Programme organized by EDC, Cotton College. (No.EDC/2016/377 dated 11th Jan., 2016)

9. Departmental Coordinator of IQAC, Cotton College (CCIQ-15/2007/70/265/310 dated 28th May, 2015)

10. Joint Coordinator, IQAC, Cotton College. (CCIQ-1/2005/37/247-51 dated 25th April, 2015)

11. Member of the Career Counseling and Placement Cell of Cotton College. (CCG16/2007/11275 dated 17th Dec., 2014)

12. Coordinator (Academic and Finance), Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) and Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Center for Mass Communication and Journalism, Cotton College. (CCA37/2008/Part-II/87-92 dated 6th Jan., 2014)

13. Member of the Board of Research Council of Cotton College. (CCG-16/2007/4283 dated 30th April, 2012)

14. Member of the Committee to look after the utilization of various funds (except UGC). (CCG-16/2007 /3938-43 dated 17th April, 2012)

15. Academic Counselor of PG Diploma in Disaster Management of IGNOU conducted at Cotton College Study Centre. (CCIGNOU-3/2008/ dated 10th August, 2010)

16. Coordinator (Finance), Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) and Center for Mass Communication and Journalism, Cotton College. (CCA-37/2008/275/7539-45 dated 17th Aug., 2009)

17. Project Coordinator (Finance), Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), Cotton College. (CCFB-06/2007/330 dated 2nd March, 2007)

18. Member of the Coordination Committee for Self Financing courses at Computer Science and Information Technology, Cotton College.

Research Projects

Sl. No. Principal Investigator Co Principal Investigator Title of the Project Period Sponsoring Agency Sanctioned Amount Status
1 Dr. Santanu Sarma Mr. Parag Jyoti Dutta Landslide Hazard zoning in the Narakasur Hill of Guwahati city (Assam) for local development planning 2015 - 2017 Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS), DST Rs.12,95,600/- Completed
2 Dr. Santanu Sarma   “Study of groundwater condition of a part of Guwahati City using remote sensing and conventional field technique” 1998 - 2000 UGC Rs.50,000/- Completed


Research paper publications till 2021

1. “Groundwater Prospect Evaluation in the Interfluves of the Rivers Brahmaputra and Kolong, Assam Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques” published in the International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Volume 6, Issue 1, November 2017, pp. 2449- 2457 (ISSN 2320 – 0243)

2. “Susceptibility Assessment of Rainfall-induced Shallow Landslides using a GIS-supported Deterministic Analysis – A Pilot Study” published in the International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Volume 6, Issue 1, August 2017, pp. 2281- 2291 (ISSN 2320 – 0243)

3. “Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Rain-Induced Shallow Landslides by applying GIS and Geocomputational Techniques: A Case Study from North East India” published in the International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume: 5 Issue: 5, May 2017, pp. 1306-1319 (ISSN: 2321-8169)

4. “A Study of Land Use / Land Cover Changes in Three Blocks of Darrang District, Assam Using Geoinformatics” published in the International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 4, Issue VI, June 2016, pp. 521-531 (ISSN: 2321-9653)

5. “Status of Elevation and Landuse within the Identified Flood Zones of Dhemaji District, Assam, India: A Study Using Geoinformatics” published in the International Journal of Applied Remote Sensing and GIS (IJARSGIS), Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2015, pp.16-24 [ISSN: 2394-8698(P), ISSN: 2395-4388(O)]

6. “Spatial Variability of Groundwater Chemical Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Parts of Nagaon and Morigaon Districts, Assam, Using Geoinformatics” published in the International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 3, Issue III, March 2015, pp.372-382 (ISSN: 2321-9653).

7. “Landslide Susceptibility Zoning of the Kalapahar Hill, Guwahati, Assam State, (India), Using A GIS-based Heuristic Technique” published in the International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 49-55, March 2013 (ISSN No: 2319-3484)

8. “Erosion Problem of the River Brahmaputra River in the downstream of Palasbari (Kamrup District Assam) and its impact on the Riverine Resources – A Remote Sensing and GIS based Approach” published in the Journal of Assam Science Society, Vol.53, No.2, pp. 22-25, Dec. 2012 (ISSN No.0587-1921)

9. “Bank Erosion of the Brahmaputra River in the downstream of Palasbari and Soalkuchi, Kamrup District, Assam” published in the Journal of Indian Geomorphology, Vol.1, pp. 103-106, 2012 (ISSN No.2320-0731)

10. “Prioritization of Sub-watersheds in Khanapara - Bornihat area of Assam - Meghalaya (India) based on Land Use and Slope Analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS” published in the Journal of The Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol.40, No.3, Sept. 2012, pp. 435–436. (ISSN 0255-660X)

11. “Impact of Bank Migration of the river Brahmaputra on Land Resources of the Riparian Tract in Central Assam – A Remote Sensing Approach” published in the Journal of Assam Science Society, Vol.49, No.2, pp. 77-81, June 2009 (ISSN No.0587-1921)

12. “Geo-environmental Determinants of Land use distribution in Dimali Sub-watershed, Kamrup District, Assam: A GIS Approach” published in the Proceedings of the National Seminar on Geology & Energy Resources of NE India: Progress and Perspective, a Special Publication of Nagaland University Research Journal (ISSN No.0976-0346), 2008.

13. “Spatial and temporal changes in the Brahmaputra River bed” published in the International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.21, No.2, June 2006, pp.123-131.(ISSN No. 1001-6279)

14. “Temporal and areal variation in the Brahmaputra River bed” published in the Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, Vol.15, No.2 (1996), pp.79-84. (ISSN No 0970-3268)

15. “GIS Assisted Database for Groundwater Exploration and Management” published in the Proceeding volume of the one day Workshop on ‘Integrated Water Resource Management’ organized by Central Ground Water Board, North Eastern Region (Ministry of Water Resources) at Institute of Engineers, Panbazar on 4th March, 2011

Chapters/Articles publications in Books (Research Oriented)

1. “Geomorphology of the North Eastern Region of India with Special Reference to Surface Water Resources” published in the special publication of the Geological Society of India No.3, pp.54-62, 2014.

Research Scholars

Sl. No Name Research Topic Roll No
1 MS. PAMISUN MILI Geostatistics GLY2091004
2 MS. JAMINI BORUAH Geomorphology (Research Title : Study on geomorphometry and morphotectonics of Lohit and Noa-Dihing river basins in North-East India and their bearing on active tectonics : a Remote Sensing and GIS based approach.) GLY1991004
3 MR. RAKESH KUMAR SARMAH Geoinformatics (Research Title : Geo-Environmental Study for Sustainable Urban Development in the South-Western Fringe Area of Guwahati City, Assam) GLY1891005

Other Information

Invited Lecture:

1. Deliver a Presentation on “Geomorphology of Eastern India with special reference to Surface water (with special emphasis on north eastern region)” during International Seminar on “Future Challenges in Earth Sciences for Energy and Mineral Resources” organized by Geological Society of India at Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad during 14th to 16th November 2013.

2. Deliver the Special keynote address in the National Seminar on “Institutionalising Disaster Management for Sustainable Development”, organized by the District Disaster Management Authority, Goalpara on 12-14 June, 2009.

Association with Professional Bodies:

1. Life member, Indian Society of Remote Sensing.

2. Life member, Society for Environmental Protection, Education & Research

Any other information:

1. Invited resource person of the training programme/workshop/courses organized by the following organizations

a. National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), Shillong 

b. National Science Academies Education Programme

c. Water and Sanitation Organization (WSSO), Public Health Engineering Department (Govt. of Assam)

d. North East Regional Institute of Education, [National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT)], Umiam, Shillong, Meghalaya

e. Assam Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), Govt. of Assam.

f. Assam Administrative Staff College, Directorate of Training, Govt. of Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati

g. National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)

h. Assam Science Technology and Environment Council, (under Science & Technology Department, Govt. of Assam)

i. Assam Power Distribution Company Limited

j. Center for Natural Disaster Management, Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati

k. Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India

l. Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Guwahati Chapter)

m. SSB, Ministry of Home Affair, Govt. of India

n. Post Graduate Department of Environment Management in Dimoria College, Khetri

o. ‘Botany Hobby Center‘ at Botany Department, Cotton College

p. North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (Under Ministry for Development of North Eastern Region, Govt. of India), Tezpur – 784027 (Assam)

q. Department of Geography, Rajib Gandhi University (Formerly Arunachal University) and Arunachal Pradesh State Remote Sensing Application Center, Itanagar.

r. Department of Geography, B. Booruah College, Guwahati.

s. Defence Research Laboratory (Under Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India) Tezpur – 784 001 (Assam)

2. Course Coordinator and resource person of the following self financing certificate courses on Geoinformatics at Department of Geology of then Cotton College, Guwahati since March, 2004. (So far 38 such courses have been completed)

a. Six months certificate course on ‘Geoinformatics (RS, GIS & GPS)’.

b. Concept of Geographical Information System (GIS) & Global Positioning System (GPS).

c. Principles of Remote Sensing & Satellite Image Processing with Applications in Natural Resource Management

3. Conducting Special Training Programmes on Geoinformatics for

a. For District Project Officers of Disaster Management Cells, Govt. of Assam

b. For officers of Revenue Department, Govt. of Assam

c. For officers of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Govt. of India