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About the Department

The Department of Geology was started as an undergraduate department in the year 1959 in an outhouse belonging to Zoology Department before occupying the KBR Hall in 1963. In that year, B.Sc. (Hons/Major) course was also introduced in the department. The M.Sc. course was started in 1986 under Gauhati University. It received the financial assistance from the DST, Govt. of India under its FIST programme. The department also received fund from the UGC under the scheme ‘Basic Scientific Research (BSR)’. The laboratories of the department have sound infrastructure for carrying out Ph.D. research. At present, the department has ten faculty members including one Adjunct Professer as well as three office staff.

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Head of the Department

  • Dr. Satyajit Kataki
  • Department of Geology
    Cotton University
    Panbazar, Guwahati-781001

Recent Publications

  • Chutia, A., Kachari, D.M., Taye, C. D.,2024, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Lower Sylhet Sandstone Member (Therria Sandstone) of Jaintia Group exposed along Jowai-Badarpur road section, Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya: Implication for Provenance and Palaeoclimate, Journal of Geological Society of India , [2024],

  • Das R, Singh TN, Geotechnical Insights of the Cut Slopes Along Silchar-Haflong National Highway, Assam, India, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering , [2024],

  • PJ Hazarika, R Dasgupta, A Baruah, N Mandal , Ground surface displacements and stress localization driven by dual magma chamber dynamics: analytical and numerical model estimates , International Journal of Earth Sciences , 1-20, [2024]

  • Dimple Moni Kachari, Chaitra Dhar Taye and Ananya Chutia, Provenance and depositional setting of the Disang Group exposed in the north‑easternmost part of Assam‑Arakan Basin, India: insights from petrography and clay mineralogy, Journal of Sedimentary Environments , [2024],

  • Bordoloi, A., Chutia, A., & Taye, C. D., Reservoir characterization and rock eval pyrolysis of clastic sedimentary rocks in the Geku Formation, Arunachal Pradesh, North-eastern India, Journal of The Indian Association of Sedimentologists , vol.Vol-40 (I), 43–54, [2023],

  • A Baruah, MK Roy, N Mandal, S Misra , Reaction-diffusion modelling of petrological mixing mechanisms in the evolution of continental crusts , Frontiers in Earth Science , vol.11, 1115103, [2023]

  • Chutia, A., Gogoi, M. P., Taye, C. D., and Bordoloi, A., 2022, Petrography and clay mineral study of Siwalik Group, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh: Implications for tectonic setting and depositional environment, Indian Journal of Geosciences , vol.Vol-76 (4), 371-384, [2022]

  • Bordoloi, A, Chutia, A., Taye, C. D. and Gogoi, M. P, Petrography and geochemistry of Palaeogene sandstones of Geku Formation, Yinkiong Group, Arunachal Pradesh, NE India: implications on provenance and tectonic setting, Journal of Sedimentary Environments , vol.7 (4), 691-709, [2022],

  • Dr. Anamika Gogoi and Dr. Balen Bhagabaty, Mineral Chemistry and Geothermometry of Biotite in the Granitoids , Located in and around Jirang -Patharkhamah Area,Ri-Bhoi District,Meghalaya,India, Journal of the Geological Society of India , vol.98, 245–259, [2022]

  • Das R, Singh TN, A novel technique for temporal evolution of rockburst in underground rock tunnel: an experimental study, Environmental Earth Sciences , vol.81, [2022],

  • S Deb, A Baruah, S Kumar, Ensemble-based unsupervised machine learning method for membership determination of open clusters using Mahalanobis distance , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , vol.515 , 4685-4701, [2022],

  • Chutia, A and Sarma J.N., Petrography of Tipam Sandstone Formation of Miocene Age from Upper Assam Basin, India- A Compositional and Diagenetic Approach to Decipher the Sedimentation History , , 101-115, [2021]

  • H Das, S Deb, A Baruah , Optimal Softening for Gravitational Force Calculations in N-body Dynamics , The Astrophysical Journal , vol.911 , 83, [2021], DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/abe94d

  • The American Astronomical Society, Dr. Amiya Barua (2021) : Optimal Softening for Gravitational Force Calculations in N-body Dynamics, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 911, Issue 2; doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe94d , [2021]

  • (Geological Society of India), Dr. Ananya Chutia (2020): Petrography and Clay Mineralogcal Study of the Siwalik Group of Rocks Exposed along Paighat-Mariyang Road Section, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India, Journal of the Geological Society of India; Vol. 95; pp. 263-272; , [2020]

  • MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, Dr. Amulya Mazumdar (2020): The Plasma Spectroscopic study of Dergaon Meteorite, India, Molecules; Vol. 25(4); , [2020]

  • International Union of Geological Sciences, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2020): Mafic-felsic magma interactions in the Bathani volcanic-plutonic complex of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, eastern India: implications for assembly of the Greate, Episodes; Vol. 43(2); pp.785-810; , [2020]

  • Chutia, A., Taye, C. D., Daimari, J. and Chutia, D., 2020, Petrography and Clay Mineralogical Study of the Siwalik Group of Rocks Exposed along Pasighat-Mariyang Road Section, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India, Journal of Geological Society of India , vol.95 (3), 263-272, [2020],

  • Bibhuti Gogoi, Hiredya Chauhan, Gaurav Hazarika, Amiya Baruah, Mukunda Saikia, Pallab Jyoti Hazarika, Significance of viscous folding in the migmatites of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, eastern India, Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh , vol.111, 119-134, [2020],

  • Dip Ghosh, Giridas Maiti, Nibir Mandal, Amiya Baruah, Cold Plumes Initiated by Rayleigh‐Taylor Instabilities in Subduction Zones, and Their Characteristic Volcanic Distributions: The Role of Slab Dip, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , vol.125, e2020JB019814, [2020],

  • Geochemical Society of Japan, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2020) : Origin of porphyritic texture by magma mixing in the andesitic rocks of Ghansura Rhyolite Dome from the Bathani volcano-sedimentary sequence, Eastern India, , [2020]

  • Elsevier, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2020) : Understanding mafic-felsic magma interactions in a subvolcanic magma chamber using rapakivi feldspar: a case study from the Bathani volcano-sedimentary sequence, E. India, Chemie-der-Erde-Geochemistry; , [2020]

  • Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2020) : Viscous dilation as a mechanism of magma mixing in the Ghansura Rhyolite Dome of Bathani volcano-sedimentary sequence, E India, Periodico di Mineralogia 89:285-295 DOI:10.2451/2020PM16635 , [2020]

  • Royal Society of Edinburgh, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2020) : Significance of viscous folding in the migmatites of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, eastern India, Earth-and-Environmental-Science-Transactions-of-the-Royal-Society-of-Edinburgh; , [2020]

  • American Geophysical Union, Dr. Amiya Barua (2020) : Cold Plumes Initiated by Rayleigh‐Taylor Instabilities in Subduction Zones, and Their Characteristic Volcanic Distributions: The Role of Slab Dip., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8); , [2020]

  • (BPAS Publications), Dr. Santanu Sarma (2019). Effect of Channel Width Contraction at Bogibeel Bridge Site on the Morphology of the River Brahmaputra., Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences (Geology); Vol. 38F; P. 128-140 , [2019]

  • Canadian Mineralogical (Mineralogical Society of Canada), Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2019): The genesis of emulsion texture owing to magma mixing in the ghansura felsic dome of the Chotanagpur granite gneiss complex of eastern India, The Canadian Mineralogist 57,; 2019; pp 311-338; , [2019]

  • Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences (BPAS Publications), Dr. Parag Jyoti Dutta & Dr. Santanu Sarma (2019): A Field Verification Based Statistical Approach toward Landslide Susceptibility Assessment, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences (Geology). Vol. 38F, No.2;: pp. 266-273 , [2019]

  • Journal of Geodynamics (Elsevier), Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2019). An appraisal of crustal structure of the Indo-Burmese subduction region, Journal of Geodynamics 127; 2019; pp 16-30; , [2019]

  • Geological Survey of India, Dr. Ananya Chutia (2019): Provenance of the Yinkiong Group exposed along Pasighat-Mariyang Road section, East Siang District: A Petrographic , heavy mineral, and clay mineralogical approach, Indian Journal of Geosciences; Vol.73; no. 4; pp.253-264 , [2019]

  • Chutia, A., Taye, C. D., Nath, D., and Chutia, D., 2019, Provenance of the Yinkiong Group exposed along Pasighat-Mariyang Road section, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh: A petrographic, heavy mineral and clay mineralogical approach, Indian Journal of Geosciences , vol.73 (4), 253-264, [2019]

  • Society of Earth Scientist Series, Dr. Bibhuti Gogoi (2019) : Mineral Chemistry, Sr-Nd Isotope Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Granites of Bathani Volcao-Sedimentary Sequence from the Northern Fringe of CGGC of Eastern India, In: Mondal M (eds) Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield. Society of Earth Scientists Series. Springer, Cham, 79-120 , [2019]

  • Dr. Anamika Gogoi and Dr. Balen Bhagabaty, Geochemical Characteristics of Metasomatised Diorites in and around Umsopri of Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya, India, Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International , vol.15, 1-14, [2018]

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Scholarly Resources

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